Unknown column 'CURRENCY_RATE' in 'field list'
SELECT `node`.`nid` AS `id`,
`node_type`.`field_short_house_name_value` AS `title`,
`meta_title`.`field_meta_title_value` AS `meta_title`,
`meta_description`.`field_meta_content_value` AS `meta_description`,
`meta_keywords`.`field_meta_keywords_value` AS `meta_keywords`,
`h1`.`field_h1_value` AS `h1`,
case `type`.`field_house_type_value` when 'коттедж' then 1 when 'участок с подрядом' then 1 when 'участок без подряда' then 2 when 'таунхаус' then 3 end AS `type_id`,
case `type`.`field_house_type_value` when 'коттедж' then 'Коттеджные поселки' when 'участок с подрядом' then 'Коттеджные поселки' when 'участок без подряда' then 'Земельные участки' when 'таунхаус' then 'Таунхаусы' end AS `type_title`,
`nr`.`body` AS `body`,
`nr`.`teaser` AS `teaser`,
`node`.`created` AS `created`,
`node`.`changed` AS `changed`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `adress`.`name` SEPARATOR ', ') AS `adress`,
`ready`.`name` AS `ready`,
`shosse`.`tid` AS `shosse_id`,
`shosse`.`name` AS `shosse_title`,
MIN(`price`.`field_house_price_n_value`)/CURRENCY_RATE AS `price`,
MAX(`price`.`field_house_price_n_value`)/CURRENCY_RATE AS `price_max`,
MIN(`price`.`field_house_price_n_value`)/CURRENCY_RATE AS `price_full`,
`node_type`.`field_prodanoh_value` AS `prodanoh`,
`location`.`latitude` AS lat,
`location`.`longitude` AS lng,
replace(`photo_files`.`filepath`, 'sites/default/files/', '') AS `photo`,
COUNT(DISTINCT `tgb`.`nid`) AS `tgbactiv`,
`tgb`.`field_tgb_url_value` AS `tgburl`,
`tgb`.`field_text_tgb_value` AS `tgbtext`,
`tgb`.`field_tgb172_footer_value` AS `tgbprice`,
`tgb`.`vid` AS `tgbid`,
`tgbimage`.`filepath` AS `tgbimageurl`,
`tgbtitle`.`title` AS `tgbtitle`,
`site`.`field_newbuild_url_url` AS `site`,
`site`.`field_newbuild_url_title` AS `site_title`,
`field_house_sotka_price_value` AS `sotka`,
`field_house_sotkatype_value` AS `sotkatype`,
`field_house_contact_value` AS `phone`,
`sform`.`field_salesform_value` AS `form`
FROM `node`
JOIN `content_type_house`  `node_type`  ON `node`.`nid` = `node_type`.`nid`/* 12str nodetype */
LEFT JOIN `content_field_priority_check`  `prcheck`  ON `node_type`.`nid` = `prcheck`.`nid`/* nodetype13str */
LEFT JOIN `content_field_meta_title`  `meta_title`  ON `node`.`nid` = `meta_title`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_meta_content`  `meta_description`  ON `node`.`nid` = `meta_description`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_meta_keywords`  `meta_keywords`  ON `node`.`nid` = `meta_keywords`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_h1`  `h1`  ON `node`.`nid` = `h1`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_house_type`  `type`  ON  `node`.`nid` = `type`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `node_revisions`  `nr`  ON `node`.`nid` = `nr`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT `nid`, `name` FROM `content_field_house_adress` JOIN `term_data` ON `field_house_adress_value`=`tid` ORDER BY `delta` DESC)  `adress`  ON `node`.`nid` = `adress`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `term_data`  `ready`  ON `node_type`.`field_house_ready_value` = `ready`.`tid`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT `nid`, `tid`, `name` FROM `content_field_house_shosse` JOIN `term_data` ON `field_house_shosse_value`=`tid`)  `shosse`  ON `node`.`nid` = `shosse`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_house_price_n`  `price`  ON `node`.`nid` = `price`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `location`  ON `node_type`.`field_house_map_lid` = `location`.`lid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_house_images`  `photo`  ON `node`.`nid` = `photo`.`nid` AND `photo`.`delta`>=0
LEFT JOIN `files`  `photo_files`  ON `photo`.`field_house_images_fid` = `photo_files`.`fid`
LEFT JOIN `content_type_ad_banners`  `tgb`  ON `node`.`nid` = `tgb`.`field_objectid_nid` AND `tgb`.`field_tgb_start_date_value`<= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND `tgb`.`field_tgb_end_date_value` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() /* vrezka */
LEFT JOIN `files`  `tgbimage`  ON `tgb`.`field_172x124image_fid` = `tgbimage`.`fid`
LEFT JOIN `node`  `tgbtitle`  ON `tgb`.`nid` = `tgbtitle`.`nid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_newbuild_url`  `site`  ON `node`.`nid` = `site`.`vid`
LEFT JOIN `content_field_salesform`  `sform`  ON `node`.`nid` = `sform`.`vid`
WHERE `node`.`status`=1 AND `node`.`nid` = '9755'
GROUP BY `node`.`nid`